Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day One, and all that is Orientation

The past week at Northwestern has been a lot of orientation.

On 9/9/9 I made my way from Arizona to Chicago to set up my apartment and get things in order. I had made the decision to rent a car, and THANK GOD I did. I have never really appreciated how hard it is to move in to a new place all by yourself with nothing. It is a struggle, and a lot of trips to IKEA I'll tell you that. So, with a lot of furniture building, and the subsequent overflow of cardboard I have turned my apartment into a cute little home, and am ready for visitors and guests.

When Monday rolled around Graduate School orientation began, and the week turned into a stream of information and new faces. The mornings were usually spent going over some class information, then in the afternoon we would report to our Assistant assignments, this year I'll be in the Lighting shop for the year, with opportunities to TA and Design in the next two years. The time in the shop is really refreshing. Apart from the some basic organizational differences, working as an electrician just lets me do something I know I am good at, and in about three weeks I'll have the chance to pass along some of my tricks to a few Undergrads.

Once the week of Orientation was over I got to spend the weekend freaking out about classes getting underway, followed by some school supply shopping and brunch with a friend I made at West Virginia this year.

Sunday night we had the 1st Year MFA Potluck. The group of people I am studying with are all so different, yet we are all coming at this with the best of intentions and great attitudes. I'm looking forward to our time in class. The potluck gave me a chance to introduce the group to Vegan Curried Lentils, which still rock everyone's world.

All of this, of course, leads me to TODAY! Day 1, the beginning.

Apart from thinking I had missed the 'L', which I didn't, the commute in was good, and I was super excited to get ready with Model Building, and Text Analysis. I got into the classroom and was talking with the other first years when Joe walked in to the Model Building class to tell us that Todd Rosenthal, the Professor, was trapped by flooding at the Atlanta Airport. Bummer. This small let down, was offset greatly by the first class of Text Analysis, which I think will be one of the best classes I get to take this term. Lively discussion ensued about the process each of us uses to read a play, and some very interesting stylistic differences were voiced.

I'm finding that I, myself, am constantly justifying my lack of design experience... which needs to stop. Obviously something about myself was good enough to get into this program this year, so all I can do is trust in the conventional wisdom of my professors... which leads me to my first night of schools activity: Homework.

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